Sunday, March 28, 2010


If you do not appreciate the Tea Party movement, it suggests you do not understand the predicament their rank and file currently find themselves in. They do not want a socialistic America. If you do not think the health care bill is a form of socialism, please review your political history. It is. What makes it palpable to most Americans is that we are not driven by ideology and do not care HOW we achieve our goals, just that we achieve them. For the record, I also think the health care bill (please don't call it a health insurance bill, that is pure nonsense) is a good thing because it will save lives, and to follow up on my earlier "logic" I am not terribly interested in HOW we save lives, just that we do. But, the tea party is driven by ideology, and thus, the means do  not always justify the ends. So, the Democratic party, from the Tea Party perspective CANNOT represent their interests (which by the way, from a historical perspective are not without precedent.) And so your average Tea Partier sees the Democratic view as when the GOVERNMENT is healthy, AMERICA is healthy. And that they cannot stomach (nor should they). But if not the Democrats, then who? NOT the Republican Party. I, you, we, them, take your pick, can all see that the Republican Party has been bought, sold and paid for over and over by BIG BUSINESS, to the degree that the Republican Party has actually, well, stopped denying it. You may think they are still playing this game, but in fact, they are not. I don't want to spend too much time belaboring this point, so let's just cut to the chase. What the Party is trying to sell is that when BUSINESS is healthy, AMERICA is healthy. And I suggest to you, the Tea Party cannot tolerate this perspective either. So who? Who will represent their interests? The INTERESTS of the INDIVIDUAL, the COMMON INDIVIDUAL? AKA, US.  Unless I am reading the tea leaves (no pun intended) incorrectly, it appears to me the Tea Party seems to believe that when the PEOPLE are healthy, AMERICA is healthy. And by healthy, I mean guaranteeing that EVERY individual American has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And so, I suggest to you, who in government represents that interest? If you say OBAMA, you are wrong. If you say the Republicans, you are wrong. Do you think the Founding Fathers would have approved of the bail out of the banking industry and take over of GM? They would not. And if you think the Founding Fathers would have approved of the rise of the Corporation as the dominant force it has become, you are quite mistaken. At a minimum, whether in the form of government, religion or I would argue business interests, the Founding Fathers who abhorred PATERNALISM in all forms and did their best to protect the INDIVIDUAL'S right to think and decide, whether right or wrong, FOR THEMSELVES. Last time I looked, the Tea Party is actually doing, for better or for worse, just that. So, you still think their movement is without merit? If so, I suggest you stop focusing on their supposed "leaders" and look at the movement itself. These folks are mad, and they have every right tot be. And, if you do not believe they have a right to voice their opinions and find their way through the politically repugnant landscape they find themselves in, well, you might check your "I know better" credentials at the door. They are not welcome there, or here.

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